Please consult the Egan Google Calendar for important dates and times.

PLEASE NOTE: This a PRIVATE PAGE only viewable by Egan Parents and Students. Outsiders will not have access to this page, unless they access it though Egan and the Egan Website.
Concert Dress~~ Perpetually:
White Top, blouse, or collard shirt (polo shirts are fine).
Black Pants, slacks, or Floor/Full Length Skirt.
Black Shoes~~ Dress shoes with black socks for gentlemen. Open toe is fine for ladies.
Parents, Please Subscibe to the Chorus Google Caledar through Egan's secured sited.

Upcoming Events:


(Only notified students are attending this concert rehearsal, and it is not for the entire class.  Students will have received times, dates, and locations of each rehearsal.)
Saturday December 10, 2011 (firm date for CMEA Honors Choir rehearsal #1) CMEA Conference Choir Rehearsal at: San Jose State University:

8:00 am check-in.
Rehearsal from 8:30am to 12:45pm.
Things to bring:
1) Your music with your name on the folder.
2) Pencil.
3) Water and/or snacks
4) Your best behavior. No concert dress is required for this day.
5) Cell phones on vibrate.


December 15, 2011- MANDITORY for ALL students

Evening Winter Concert in the Egan Muli
Students are to arive at 6:30pm
Concert begins at 7:00pm (Family and friends welcomed, no tickets required.)
Concert Dress is required.
 Students are required to stay until the end of the concert.
Thursday, March 22-24, 2012- Optional!!!
Disneyland Trip!  Departing from the Egan parking lot in the after noon on Thursday. March 10, and ariving back home close to midnight on Saturday March 12.
More specific details to follow in Winter!!!
(Only notified students are attending this concert rehearsal, and it is not for the entire class.  Students will have received times, dates, and locations of each rehearsal.)
Friday,  January 13th , 2012
CMEA Confernece Choir Rehearsal at SJSU campus. Students check-in: outside Ballroom in Student Union Building.
(Only notified students are attending this concert rehearsal, and it is not for the entire class.  Students have received times, dates, and locations of each rehearsal.)
Saturday, January 14th, 2012
CMEA Conference Choir Performance at SJSU campus.  Students check-in: outside Ballroom in Student Union Building.
(Only notified students are attending this concert rehearsal, and it is not for the entire class.  Students have received times, dates, and locations of each rehearsal.)
Concert Dress is required. Ladies may wear tea-lengh skirts for this event.
March 29, 2012- MANDITORY for ALL students
Evening Disney Concert in the Egan Muli (Performing our Disneyland


Students are to arive in the Multi at 6:30pm Concert begins at 7:00pm  in Multi (Family and friends welcomed, no tickets required.) Concert Dress is required. Students are required to stay until the end of the concert.
Tentative Event:
There has been talk of a district wide choral concert to be scheduled sometime in April. Dates and times are still uncertain. Attendance will be manditory.

May 23, 2012- MANDITORY for ALL students
Evening Spring Concert in the Egan Muli
Students are to arive at 6:30pm
Concert begins at 7:00pm (Family and friends welcomed, no tickets required.)
Concert Dress is required.
Students are required to stay until the end of the concert.
Past Events:

October 31,2011:  2:00 pm  Halloween Concert, Egan Amphitheater or Multi, depending on weather. Halloween Costumes are Encouraged, and Parents welcomed!


Tentative Event:  

Contact Info
Tina Kyriakis
REALTOR, ePro, Seniors R.E. Specialist, Probate Specialist
Coldwell Banker Realty

175 S. San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, 580 El Camino Real, San Carlos, CA

DRE#: 01384482